Our team is working hard towards gaining ISO 27001 certification in the next few weeks.
We have been taking part in a comprehensive programme with the assistance of?Cyber Security Associates?and the certification body?NQA.
The timing could not be more appropriate, with issues around the protection of sensitive information in the news, along with GDPR compliance and the legal issues arising from so many employees working from home during the pandemic.
We are undertaking this exhaustive process to provide the reassurance that we take all aspects of information security extremely seriously. This approach influences all aspects of how we operate – and we are making sure every aspect of our business is covered by the certification, not just the help desk or the project team. This means that from start to finish, the full lifecycle of our work with clients, partners and staff will be covered by the ISO certification, giving much-needed peace of mind in a challenging business environment.
In addition, gaining ISO 27001 accreditation will give our expert, dependable teams the capability to meet the prerequisites of larger tenders and contracts. We will be able to take on work with bigger organisations where ISO is required to provide evidence that security standards are adopted, continuously checked, and improved where necessary.
The audit processes have been detailed, including video conferencing with our team and virtual tours of our offices. We would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and dedication to this process. We hope to make a further announcement soon.