Nexus Presents: Resiliency (20th April)

How many times have you been to an event, only to discover you’ve in fact signed up for a sales pitch with some networking thrown in? Yeah, us too.  

That’s why we’ve decided to launch Nexus Presents, a new quarterly event drawing on the knowledge, experience and ideas of industry experts, around a central theme, throughout the South West. 

Our first in the series is around the theme of ‘resiliency’. We’ll be hearing from speakers across HR & recruitment, IT, telecoms, and mental health. We’ll ask what resiliency means for them and how it’s put into practice in their industry.

Hear from:

  • Josh Butler, Triangle Networks, with a fun look at what might happen if your internet connection dropped out;
  • Amy Erith, Step One Charity, leading a conversation around stress and how to manage your own stress and spot the signs in others;
  • Jo Caine, Cathedral Appointments, on business resilience through branding, culture, reward & recognition
  • Glenn Weeks, Nexus Open Systems, on making your IT resilient looking at people, infrastructure, and data.

The event is completely free to attend, however, we’re asking if you can make a small donation to our charity partner for the event, Step One Charity. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the first of many #Nexuspresents events for a morning of networking, thought-provoking talks and, of course, hot drinks and delicious pastries!

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