We are delighted to announce that, after many months of hard work, we have formally gained our ISO27001 accreditation.
This follows a challenging round of virtual audits and video conferencing with staff by the certifying body the NQA, following the consultancy help of Cyber Security Associates.

The report states:
“The organisation’s context is well-defined; leadership has been effectively demonstrated and commitment levels are evident. Evidence was clearly available to demonstrate that the key policy commitments are being adhered to.”
In addition, we were especially pleased with the comments from the auditor of the report who stated that:
“This is the first implementation of an ISMS solution for ISO27001 that truly works and is the best Stage 2 audit I have conducted.”
An ISMS is an ‘information security management system’.
Our outstanding technical team has developed an audited, secure, purpose-built, documentation system that controls the access of information to the right people, at the right time, for the right purpose.
Alongside our service-provider tools, we have made extensive use of SharePoint. It secures, shares and tracks our documentation. It also handles our teamwork on issues and improvements.
ISO27001 has simply confirmed what we are doing is the best approach.
However, ISO27001 is not just about technical solutions to IT processes. There is also the big focus on people and working practices. These need to evolve and this has been thrown into sharper focus by the pandemic. Home has become the new office for so many of us – and that raises a host of security and confidentiality issues.
There has never been a greater need for secure procedures, whether the working environment is in the office or at the kitchen table.